Every person is unique, including their nutrient needs. Nutrient deficits clearly link to many symptoms, health concerns and disease states. Repleting low levels can heal and even completely reverse them.
Micronutrient Testing provides info about the nutrient stores inside your cells. This allows us to personalize the specific nutrients your body needs, whether from food or nutritional supplements, to optimize your health and replete low-stores.
Nutrient requirements vary greatly due to:
- Stress
- Genetics
- Infections (recent or chronic)
- Toxic burden and environmental factors
- Sleep patterns
- Age and gender
- High energy output in sports
- Pregnancy
- Medications
- Poor digestion
- and much more
Nutrient deficiencies are also linked to the following:
- Mood imbalances – anxiety, depression
- Weakened immunity
- Poor sleep
- Fatigue
- Hair loss
- Hormone imbalance
- Bone health / osteoporosis
- and much more!
The Cellular Nutrition and Antioxidant Assays blood test by Cell Science Systems tests 52 micronutrients and 48 antioxidants, according to individual’s needs and immune cell responses to each nutrient.
Are you nourishing your cells properly?
Micronutrient Testing supports:
- Weight management, obesity
- Women’s health, fertility, pregnancy, perimenopause, menopause
- Fatigue, burnout, depression, mood swings
- Metabolic conditions – blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, excess body fat
- Sports nutrition and performance