Bean & Kale Stew
Warming beans and savory greens. Perfect for cool fall and cold, winter days…delicious anytime! 4 cups water2 cups low-sodium broth...
Warming beans and savory greens. Perfect for cool fall and cold, winter days…delicious anytime! 4 cups water2 cups low-sodium broth...
A colorful confetti of Asian flavors! This salad is bursting with nutrients and deliciousness! Using the prepped salad bag for...
Last week, we started with practical ways you can live well through the holiday season. This will keep you feeling...
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!You were just getting on track with your health goals. You were finally...
If you were to only take one supplement, I would recommend a multivitamin! (Why? Read more here on why nutritional...
Cooler temps, holiday travels, and the sniffles/coughs/body aches going around the kids and the office, (and yes, of course 2020s...
Detox. It’s not just water and green juices. It’s SO much more!Not only are popular juice cleanses and water fasts...
Keto. Paleo. Raw. Vegan. Beach Body. South Beach and so many more! With all these trendy eating plans, detox fits...
In an ideal world, food would provide all the nutrients our bodies need. However, this is simply not the case....
These super easy cookies instantly become our favorites. They’re just YUMMY! So full of flavor and goodness! Perfect for easy...
The task of changing a lifetime of eating habits can be overwhelming.Why settle for a revolving door of fad diets...
Oh so DELICIOUS!Spaghetti squash, baked and seededGround turkey breast (white/lean), brownedSautéed mushrooms and onionsMarinara sauce or sun dried tomatoes in...
Chocolate. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…Here are a few quick chocolate fixes that can help...
I hadn’t had fries for so long, I almost forgot how yummy they were. ….and these are EVEN better!Sweet potatoesGarlic...
This is SO good! You really could LOVE having it EVERYDAY! In fact, I’ve sampled this in classes and those...
These cookies were a favorite growing up! Here’s a healthier version, with just a few little tweaks.7 Tbsp raw honey8...
This may be one of the easiest desserts…ever! These Mini Pecan Pies work great for parties, appetizers, snacks or quick...
Hot Peppermint Mochas, Pumpkin Spice, Eggnog and Chestnut Praline Lattes certainly are blissful, winter treats, but too many in the...
Comfort cookies…even without the chocolate. Delicious for all ages! Gluten, dairy, egg and refined sugar free!2/3 cup rolled oats1/4 cup...
One of my all-time holiday season, breakfast favorites!!! Bursting with flavor, beautifully colorful and slightly sweet! …and still innocent! Perfect...
‘Tis the season! Pumpkin Pancakes–great for cozy mornings…or comforting dinners! Perfectly spiced, naturally sweet to celebrate everyday or holidays. (All...
As delicious as beets are “solo,” they make a great addition to salads. Here’s one of my favorites…and it’s super...
Perfect to balance out your family and holiday gatherings this season … deliciously guilty and naturally innocent to go right...
Add some veg variety! Here are a few tips and variations:1- Try fresh garlic2- Invest in an oil mister bottle!...
Perfectly delicious for dessert…or breakfast, lunch or snack, and it’s loaded with antioxidants to keep it totally nutrient dense.…and you...
Simple. Pure yum. No guilt. Loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber to boost immunity, lower blood pressure, fight inflammation,...
Stir frys – a super versatile way to get in lots of veggies! Check this out and tweak it to...
I seriously NEVER even wanted to try Kale, let alone did I ever think it would become one of my...
This. Changes. Everything.Seriously.Size, shape and texture can make ALL the difference. Here’s a perfect example. It makes veggies go down...
Fast – Easy – Fresh – Different – Veg Variety – Flavor Adventure1- Wash and Slice zucchini, horizontally into strips,...
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