Chocolate. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…
Here are a few quick chocolate fixes that can help you keep it innocent and guilt-free. These lower-sugar, sugar-free and even naturally sweetened chocolates just barely scratch the surface of your options for nibbling and baking.

Divine Chocolate: 70% Dark Chocolate
Sugars: 11g sugar/ 42g (1/2 bar)
Fiber: 5g
Divine Chocolate: 85% Dark Chocolate
Sugars: 6g sugar/ 42g (1/2 bar)
Fiber: 6g
(be sure to look for the various percentages in baking bars, powders and chocolate chips!)
Lily’s Dark Chocolate with Almonds:
55% Cocoa, No Sugar Added
Stevia and Erythritol: 5g (1/2 bar)
Fiber: 11g
(available in mini chocolate chips and baking bar)
Simply Lite Dark Chocolate (Trader Joe’s)
50% Cocoa, No Sugar Added
Maltitol: 11g (1/4 bar)
Fiber: 3g
(comes in dark chocolate with almonds too)
Heavenly Organics: Peanut Chocolate Honey Pattie
100% dark chocolate, No Sugar Added
Raw white honey: 4g (11g treat)
Fiber: 2g
(comes in mint chocolate too…individual or “bar” servings)