If you were to only take one supplement, I would recommend a multivitamin! (Why? Read more here on why nutritional supplements are so important in today’s world.)

I have been so impressed with the overall results. I really like the complete spectrum and amounts of each of the nutrients packed into each serving. Plus, the added antioxidants are so important in these times when it’s difficult to eat adequate amounts of fresh produce each day.
PhytoMulti® is a complete daily multivitamin that replenishes what’s missing from modern diets. In addition to essential vitamins and minerals, PhytoMulti contains our patented blend of 13 phytonutrients and concentrated plant extracts clinically shown to support cellular health and healthy aging.*
- Scientifically designed to promote healthy functioning of key body systems for lasting wellbeing*
- Enhanced with pure, potent plant extracts and phytonutrients sourced from nature
Favorite story: A client was recovering from a 2nd knee surgery, with a relatively poor and slow prognosis for healing. His micronutrient lab work showed several nutrients at compromised levels. We decided a multivitamin would be the best fit, least number of pills, and most economical to cover all the bases and help replete and meet his nutrient needs.
After about 4-6 weeks, his physical therapist asked him, “What are you doing?” He sheepishly responded, “What do you mean?” The therapist was perplexed, as he had never seen such a quick and complete recovery, especially given the repeat surgery.
My client responded, “Well, I started a multivitamin.”
Yes. It was PhytoMulti.

Try it and see what it can do for you.
Shop for PhytoMulti along with other professional-grade, high quality nutritional supplements and personal care items at ResparkleU’s Wellness Online Store.